WrightLawTV Debut Broadcast: Legal Considerations in Running Your Business

UPDATE: In case you missed the broadcast, you can watch the reply for 24 hours at the following link:

WrightlawTV: Legal Considerations in Running Your Business
Today’s Show: Legal Considerations in Starting & Running Your Own Business


Presented by: The Wright Law Firm, Kansas City, MO


Twitter & Periscope: @jamescwrightesq
#wrightlaw #wrightlawtv #tagtribes #peri10k #katch

WrightLawTV will launch its Debut Broadcast today at 4:00 pm CST. Look for us on Periscope today. You can download the Periscope app from the google plus store if you don’t have it on your android or iphone already. We will also tweet the link just as the program is starting. Today’s Topic: Legal Considerations for starting a business. Come join us and watch our first Broadcast and learn about how you can run your own business the Wright way! ‪#‎Wrightlaw‬ ‪#‎WrightlawTV‬ ‪#‎TagTribes‬ #Peri10k

Legal Disclaimer: The information in the upcoming broadcast is general in nature. No part of the broadcast is formal legal advice nor will it establish the formation of an attorney client relationship with any of the viewers or participants.